Thursday, December 19, 2013

Freedom from the fiat currency oppression

Certainly the beginning of the revolt against the corporations that control our lives is to shake off their automated debt mechanisms. The most important of these mechanisms is their fiat currency. They control it and, through that, control us. The "money" we so dearly acquire and trade is worth less than nothing, since it represents a government's debt to the international banking conglomerates. We sell our capability to produce and in return receive IOUs. Time to look to a medium of exchange that cannot be manipulated and controlled by the powers that be.

Bitcoin's real revolution isn't hard money -- it's economic panarchy

Where does money come from? The giant Federal Reserve scam that most Americans do not understand


Thursday, December 5, 2013

Welcome to endless global war

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"Policies that were wrong under George W. Bush are no less wrong because Barack Obama is in the White House."

"That many Democratic partisans and fervent Obama admirers are vapid, unprincipled hacks willing to justify anything and everything when embraced by Obama - including exactly that which they pretended to oppose under George W. Bush - has also been clear for many years."