Friday, May 29, 2015

Signal "YOUR ONLY HOPE" Pre-release Pack

Here's everything as it currently stands. I'm implementing a new mastering chain and it has been applied here. There are the tracks and some track components which any and all can use as they wish. Everything, of course, is subject to change, mutation, mutilation and any number of foul deeds before the final release. [Pats self on back for being only a year late with this.]

Commentary, criticism, suggestions and such are wholly welcome. I'm especially interested in what anyone thinks about the overall production.

It's huge at about 550MB. Fair warning.


Signal "YOUR ONLY HOPE" Preview 3

Another track that should make it onto YOUR ONLY HOPE. Experimenting with simpler mastering to open up the sound a bit due to some excellent feedback I've received. Let me know, or just listen.

No Light for the Way Home