It has been a while since I've posted anything. Typically, nothing is worth posting.
This is a simple update, more or less a reminder for myself.
New Signal soon. I'm working on an EP of covers that should be fun. This is in the formative stage and I haven't even started on the sounds for it.
As soon as I fix my iBook there will be a collaboration with Lonely/Ghost/Transmissions. Dirty Fuck Machine coming soon to an orifice near you.
The Smetnja/Ikteka/Signal split has now achieved mythological status. Morgan?
I purchased an Audible Disease Dementia and I have to say that it is quite the value for the money. A review of sorts is forthcoming.
On the homefront, I must say that I am happy that I did manage to find my old friend Andy, but that I have been more than a month in replying to his email. I wonder what causes me to do that? I've been over and over it in my head a thousand times and still can't figure it out. Several other personal snags have slowed me down and made life more complicated. None are worth mentioning, except to note that they cause me to lose motivation. Hence: no posts; no uploads; no material. Things have a way of working themselves out.
That's it for now.
Be seeing you.