Saturday, December 26, 2009

A pox on your christian holidays

Every year the same damn thing happens. The holidays come along. You know -- the ones that ruin a perfectly good winter solstice. Keep your jesus out of my solstice! They wreck my life for two weeks. I have to work on Saturday and everyone I know goes and visits their family and I get drunk and maudlin all by myself. Your holidays are nowt but misery to me.

I recently bought another synthesiser. A Roland Juno-106. It doesn't sound as good as the Juno-6, but I have been able to coax what I consider to be some quite reasonable rumbles from it. A lot of shit is talked about the humble 106, but I wouldn't pass it up if all the voice chips are working.

On that note, I see that Dave Smith Instruments has some new stuff. The Tetra and the Mopho both look excellent. Looks like Mr Smith is going to be getting more of my hard-earned wages. My desktop Evolver could use the company.

It's nice to see that I'm keeping up the 6-month posting schedule. I'd hate to disappoint.

I found my old laptop, so I should be finishing the Taintshaver track soon. I'm also hoping to pick up a 2006 MacBook this week-end.

I've been fixated on the latest Forefather album Steadfast. Strong stuff with no weak spots. They've definitely perfected the sound of Ours Is The Kingdom only now with more harsh vocals and more mid-tempo pacing. Standout tracks are "Cween of the Mark", "Steadfast" and "Mellowing of the Maids". On the black metal side of things I'm enjoying old Forest. Too bad they ended up just sounding like Absurd, because Foredooming The Hope For Eternity is an amazing example of my favourite style. Standout tracks are "The Bolverk Spirit" and "To These Distant Eyes...", but the whole album is solid.

My life is too complicated and I'm drinking too much again.

Some re-mixes I did. Not much output this year, but here's 2007-2008 in one archive. See this post for some description that won't help and individual Rapidshare links.

Be seeing you.

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Six Months Since Last Post?

Don't you know it. I must take this quite seriously. Therefore, this is just a placeholder until I get some pictures and words together.

I've gotten my hands on a Roland Juno-6, Roland S-770, Roland SP-404, MXR Blowtorch, Monotonic Labs Type-N37, Alesis Philtre & SmashBox, Mackie CR1604 and, finally, a Mochika2.

Yes, I'm eating a lot of noodles and peanutbutter sandwiches.

Taintshaver is the new project involving 6EQUJ5 of Signal and Chuk Fowlord of Thick Mistress and Spectral Blacksmith. Three sessions, but only one recorded track, which I am mixing and mastering right now at my usual snail-like pace. Also collaboration with Rob Michalchuk is in the works -- the usual power electronics, but with the addition of Rob's fantastic sax skronk.

The plate is more than full and I hope to finish all this before I start anything new. No, really, I mean that.

Be seeing you.