Don't you know it. I must take this quite seriously. Therefore, this is just a placeholder until I get some pictures and words together.
I've gotten my hands on a Roland Juno-6, Roland S-770, Roland SP-404, MXR Blowtorch, Monotonic Labs Type-N37, Alesis Philtre & SmashBox, Mackie CR1604 and, finally, a Mochika2.
Yes, I'm eating a lot of noodles and peanutbutter sandwiches.
Taintshaver is the new project involving 6EQUJ5 of Signal and Chuk Fowlord of Thick Mistress and Spectral Blacksmith. Three sessions, but only one recorded track, which I am mixing and mastering right now at my usual snail-like pace. Also collaboration with Rob Michalchuk is in the works -- the usual power electronics, but with the addition of Rob's fantastic sax skronk.
The plate is more than full and I hope to finish all this before I start anything new. No, really, I mean that.
Be seeing you.